
Few days ago on the way to class, I saw a really pretty, stylish woman.

I was waiting to cross the road and she was standing right in front of me across the road. 
So pretty; tall, nice body shape, stylish in-trend clothes that matched her, and a great handbag to match it all. A fair complexion and a straight, silky shoulder length hair. Oh yeah, totally hot.

And there I was standing across the road in a lousy t-shirt and a pair of aerobic pants. NO handbag. Just a lousy black canvas bag.

Honestly, my focus on getting across the road somehow shifted a bit as I was in awe of her. I kept on looking at her. Okay, more to staring actually. It seemed that I'm not the only one attracted as she got honked now and then by car drivers.

Then the line cleared and both of us started to cross the road. I kind of got a bit excited to see her from close. Seriously. Like, come on... 

Bila mata bertentang mata...

The she is actually a HE! Pempuan okayyy, bukan perempuan.
The hot, pretty, gorgeous woman is actually a man! 

Now seriously, I was really embarrassed of myself that time. Even a man could dress as gorgeous like that. Even a man could have flawless skin like that. -.-"


Namee Roslan said…
hahahhahahah, takpelah. at least u tak ah lesbo sbb tenung macam tu. dia kan HE. mesti hadsome. :P
hadoooh. yg disangkakan perempuan, rupanya2 pondan..apa nak jadi pada dunia sekarang.

harus lebih berwaspada selepas ini..ckckckc.
Aisyah Ahmad said…
aish bash jangan jatuh cinta dengan pempuan..hahahaha
harhar...mesti npk kt mascomletew kan.bapuk skg sbjik mcm pempuannn.xleh nk recognise die laki dahhh
Bashtiah said…
True enough! Kalau jadi lelaki sejati memang handsome sangat...

Heh.heh.heh... Terbalik pula kan, lelaki lebih cantik. ;p

Ecah, aku masih normal lagi ni ;)

Eh tak tau la masscomm ke apa sebab jumpa dijalanan aje, tapi memang cantik!
Pocket said…
kamu masih selamat :D

tp memang la kot,
pasal diorang nak jadi pompuan,
diorang 'pulun' terlebih sikit.

kamu bashtiah, hanya perlu berdiri tegak jer daah nampak cam pompuan,
kena study, kena experiment,
kena usaha!! baru nampak sikit cam pompuan :D

beruntunglah kamu pompuan :D
Bashtiah said…
Hai! I dah singgah dah tadi. :)

Hahah... Yeah right Pocket, bersyukurla dah memang jadi perempuan kan. Orang lain punya susah nak jadi perempuan pun... Heh.

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