Singlet Kuning Dilitupi Telekung
Pertemuan yang tidak disangka... Back when I was studying in Melaka, there was this one semester where we spent 3/4 of the Ramadan fasting month in college. At the university's mosque, the tarawih is only performed 8 rakaat. Even so, I always felt reluctant to go as it was stifling hot. Berlengas, berpeluh-peluh... Getting used to sleeveless, one day I wore a striking yellow racer back. Yes, like the picture above. Only a bit more striking, and I was wearing a pair of long pants instead of a mini skirt. Yes, yes, yes... I wore a striking yellow racer back underneath the white telekung. I walked to the mosque with a friend of mine but she didn't say anything about it so I guess it's OK. But... When I stepped inside the mosque, sat at the very front line, not long after that a girl about my age called me. She looked at me up and down, and said; "Ini pakai singlet kuning ni TAK BOLEH. Lalu dekat depan muslimin nanti muslimin nampak. Telekung awak ni...