Jodoh Di Kolam

It seems that I might just find my soul mate at the swimming pool.

Yesterday my mum said one my students' parents kept on asking her about me. Itu tak apa lagi... But, they asked if I have someone special already. Eh eh eh... Eh? And, they wanted to match me with my students' uncle

"Tiah tu comel, pandai cari duit... Dia tu dah ada orang ke?"
Comel? Eheheee... Thanks, I'm flattered. But, no. No way.

Guess what my mum said?
"Macam tu lah dia, memang tak ada orang pun lagi tu"
-.-" Thanks A LOT, Mak.

The man was present too at the pool. Apparently it happened that this guy had to drop off his sister's children. The parents and this guy here were good friends, it seems. The guy is sort of cute. Well, sort of. An engineer, 30 something. Bujang.
Well that's what they told my mum.

Mum: Bujang tu Tiah... Engineer lagi!

Heh. Eheh. Heh. Macam-macam~


Aisyah Ahmad said…
nanti boleh la tiah kawen dalam pool..hehehe
just kidding :)
Namee Roslan said…
tiah!!!! :D engineer engineer! cik tiah setuju tak???? :D makcik namee plak yg excited dan mami jarum lebih ni. ahhaah.
Pocket said…
maner pocket dengar bunyi kompang nih!! ehh ada orang nak kawin ker ari ni? humm..

anyway.. kalau jumpa pun apa salahnya, just jangan ngan student tu sndiri dah lah hhahahaha,
umur berapa student u yg paling tua?
Bashtiah said…
Haa, boleh gak tu. Poolside wedding! ;D

Waa.... X, xsetuju la. Uish, mmg excited betul namee nih! hahahah..

Hahahah.. funny aite.

Manade orang buat majlis hari Isnin...hahah..

Ha'ah, dengan student sendiri is a big no no! Xmungkin la.hahah. I mengajar perempuan, budak2 dengan husband and wife je. Yang paling tua I pernah ajar dalam 40+, perempuan.

Hamzah Ian:
Asal dengar engineer je mesti orang cam 'Wahhh!' kan. Kenapa pun tak tau lah..
Pocket said…
40 plus?
pocket ada peluang.
eh kat maner swimming pool nii?
Bashtiah said…
Everyone can swim la pocket, don't worry! Depend on the students' location.
engineeerrr.ambk jgn xambk.nt nyesall.hiihi
kiki said…
wow!!tahniah awak...saye suke3 sgt3 utk awak^_^

**t leh tlg saye carikan bakal suami jugak ye~__~
Bashtiah said…
Tak minat engineer lah.. tak kan menyesal pun ;)

takpelah, saya bagi awak je engineer tu. :p
Sophie Al-Yahya said…
bash..ok lah tu bash..

=) matang tuuu..
Bashtiah said…
Ala sophie... taknakla, belum ready! haha

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