Anak Penjual Lemang

An incident on Eid Ul Fitr, 1 Syawal 1432 H.

The morning of Syawal, I woke up feeling frustrated, uneasy, and unsatisfied. 
The reason: Baju raya tak siap. (I've mentioned in my previous post that I have to sew my own baju kurung) My mum and I had been busy cooking the whole night that we really, really, really didn't have the energy anymore to lift even a single needle.

Sulking as I walked down the stairs, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of my mum. She, too, was wearing last year's Raya baju kurung. Ha-ha! But that didn't change my mood completely. Yeah. Tidak sepenuhnya. I was still a bit sulky, a bit moody... 

But my mum promised she would help sew my baju kurung for me. Okay, deal! Still... That didn't make feel better completely. I was still moody. And unsatisfied. Still.
Honestly, I was really silent on that day. I felt mad. It was only a matter of a baju raya, but I was really, really, really frustrated! Until the extent of questioning God. I kept on questioning... Why do I deserve this? Hari Raya kan hari kemenangan...

Manusia memang mudah lupa dan lalai...
I'm glad God always reminded me to be thankful.
That evening, my mum and I went to search for lemang at the roadside. At the first stall we passed by, we saw a little girl about 7 years old crying at her mother. We immediately decided to help the makcik by buying her lemang because we pity the crying little girl. I had this one habit of buying things because I pity the seller, now I know where the habit develops from. Heh.

And so we stopped by the makcik and her two daughters' stall. As I looked at the crying little girl, the first thing that caught my eye was the collar of her baju kurung.
Baju kurung with a piping collar.
The inside part of the piping at the collar of her baju kurung is sticking out of the collar. It was jotting out and to make things looked more sad (other than her sad face), the piping I must say wasn't in a good shape. It was torn already... And she cried because she wanted to go home. It was 6.30 pm that time and guess what, she had been staying there by the roadside with her mother since morning! Imagine, people... Imagine...
So kesian, right?!

And oh, the makcik even gave us extra one lemang. Despite her condition, she was still so generous! We were embarrassed, really... And to think that we actually bargained earlier. Malu.

All the way back home, I was lost in thought. Kita asyik mendongak ke langit hingga lupa masih ada orang di bawah...

Pemikiran jahat.
Ah! Tapi sama je. Orang lain hujung minggu rehat-rehat, tapi aku duduk kolam kerja... Sama jelah dengan kita kan. Nasib masing-masing~ Entah-entah makcik tu sengaja suruh anak dia nangis-nangis bagi orang kesian supaya lemang dia laku... Istighfar banyak-banyak. Ish.
Pemikiran baik.
Budak tu kecik lagi, baru 7 tahun agaknya... Dah kena ikut mak dia jual lemang. Kawan-kawan lain semua seronok kutip duit raya.


Namee Roslan said…
;'( sedihnya. mula2 baca rasa macam kelakar sebab u tulis sedih tapi tak completely cure kesedihan tapi nampak macam gembira. ups and down ups and down. then dah sampai cerita makcik lemang n anak dia...sedih :( em, kita selalu mendongak ke langit n compared ourself dengan org yg hebat. sebab tu kita tak bersyukur. kecil2 lagi kena ikut mak berniaga..kita kecik2 lepak toys r us.

i like ur entries...patut meletup2 macam Maria Elena ni. :)
Bashtiah said…
Memang kesian betul kat anak makcik lemang tu. Dia kutip duit jugak masa raya, tapi duit lemang lah. heh...

Tq, sekarang masih perlu improve cara penulisan lagi. ;)
Sophie Al-Yahya said…
oh bash, sedihnya budak tu. apa lah yang dia faham duduk dari pagi sampai petang dgn panas2 tu.

oh btw,bash pandai jahit baju kurung??

Mootsabella said…
baju raya tak siap? i don't know whats wrong with the sailor in malaysia because some of my friends also facing the same problem..

7 years old ikut mak jual lemang is better that somalian that died in hunger..yes we are not the last one on earth yang suffer and bernasib malang...berjuta lagi yang berharap utk berada kt tmpat kita, be grateful :)
Anonymous said…
Namee Roslan said…
bashtiah, update lagi. saya enjoy reading urs :D suka sangat. kelakar yang serious. macam watak maria elena :)
Bashtiah said…
Sophie: Ha tau takpe... Entah bila dia besar dia suka lagi ke tak Hari Raya, sebab mengingatkan dia pada kesusahan dia...

Sophie, taklah pandai tapi bolehla sikit2. ;) Guna mesin je. Tapi baju kurung aje, baju kebaya fesyen2 blum reti lagi. Heh.

Miss Moots: Eh, bukan bukan I tak tempah baju kat tailor. Beli kain ela je, tak sempat nak jahit... hu.

Betul tu... Bandingkan keadaan budak 7 tahun tu dengan kanak-kanak lain di Somalia, memang dia jauh lebih baik sebenarnya.

El-Janna: Hm. Kita patut bersyukur kan...

Namee: Oh tq! Baik, baik... Tunggu ada topik yang menarik baru update. Ikut macam your style, jarang update tapi once update, entry best. hee. :)
kesiannyerrr.ssungguhnya kte hrus bsyukurrrr bhw ade insan lg susa dr kte.bk kteorg brt mte mmndg brt lg bhu memikul.heeee
Bashtiah said…
Betul3! Kita mesti bersyukur sgt2!

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