Perasan Hebak

*Perasan Hebat*

Being frequent customers at hardware shops, my mum and I believe we are oh-so-great and fit enough to be called contractors. Plumbing, wiring, woodworks... Name it, we can do it!

At the hardware shop yesterday, this one man was looking for a grass trimmer.
Man: Mesin rumput pakai bateri ada tak? (Is there a lawn trimmer that use batteries?)
Salesperson: Tak ada encik, yang ni adalah. Pakai kat belakang. (We only have this one, you have to wear it on your back) 

The salesperson showed him this one grass trimmer, mesin potong rumput gendong, they called it. The one you see carried on their backs, with a long pole.

My mum and I had a great laugh thinking there IS NO such thing as a grass trimmer that use batteries. ALL grass trimmers use electricity (including ours). Duh! We really, really had a great laugh. 
"Eeeyew... Dah la lelaki, itu pun tak tahu~"
"Nak potong rumput kat mana tu pakai bateri je??? Hahahahahah!"
"Ingat macam shaver ke apa nak pakai bateri....Heh."

And so on... I know, I know... That was so bad of us right, when we were actually fasting.

Well, that's what we thought.
Back home, I Google-ed.
Battery Grass Trimmer
See? Siapa yang lebih hebat sekarang...


hahaha. nasib baik tak cakap dekat org tu time dekat kedai. kalau tak? malu kott. hehe
sopiah said…
Haha! So moral of the story is, jangan cepat assume. :P
Grace said…
Hee hee that's funny! I have a Black and Decker battery-op'd grass cutter at home that is great to use. Clean and no stinky gas combustibles to inhale. I also am a proud owner of a machine that grills/rolls hotdogs for you, while at the same time toasts the hotdog buns for you. Just kidding (I don't own one).
Namee Roslan said…
hahaha, kelakar lah u ni bashtiah!! :D eh btw i pun baru tahu ada yang pakai battery...ingat pakai electric je atau solar ke as tengok orang buat kerja potong tengah2 panas. hahah
kesian die dierkotak dan katikkan
syakirahmn said…
hahah. tak baik tauuu ngata org tu, tgk sape yg btol skrg ni :P
sekarang ni semua barang nak pakai betri.. :)
Bashtiah said…
dylla fadzil: :D :D HAHA.. gelak, gelak..heh.

izzati liyana: Haa... Tau takpe! Nasib baik tak tunjuk2 pandai. ;p

Yong: Yes, absolutely!

Gracie: Now that's one proof that it actually really, really, REALLY exist! I'll have to learn more then.

Namee: Pakai solar tu kelakar okay. Hahah... Ye ah kan, duk tengah panas je memotong rumput kan.

Sarah: Agak la kan... Malu. -.-"

Syakey: Heh. Berbaldi-baldi punya mengata pulak tuh!

Nafisah: Ha'ah... Lebih mudah, kan.

Thanks for dropping by comments people!!! :D

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