Cucu Jiran

Mum said I should get married soon since I'm starting to like children. (Though I believe marriage is not the only way to get children. You can always adopt a child, or work in a kindergarten like this one girl, Sarah, is doing.) Mum notice I'd always smile at the sight of my neighbours' grandchildren coming back from kindergarten with their mini backpack. And based on how I teach children swimming
Comel :)
Kids love me, so should I.
I denied, saying I only like children who behave. For me, they are still those tiny creatures who couldn't stay still longer than a minute. They are like those tiny crawly things, menguit-nguit. 

Basically, a dream child for me would be the one who:
  • Would sit quietly when their parents are performing the tarawih prayer, instead of running behind people's back while at the same time tugging at other people's telekung. huh.
  • Would not simply grab a stranger's shirt, particularly a woman.
  • Would not throw tantrums if they didn't get what they wished for.
Each time a kid did the things mentioned above, I would always ask my mum:
"I macam tu ke dulu?" (Was I like that?) I believed I was a good kid back then. But mum said I was just like that. Just.Like.That. -.-"

She said it's normal for a kid to grab things of his/her interest. So don't be extra angry if suddenly a small kid of 5 years old pinched your butt. They're just curious. Yea, curious as why is it so big compared to theirs. Ha-ha.

BUT... I'm not saying here I hate children completely. Well, who doesn't like a child who behaves, right? I just need time to learn how to handle them. I'm still learning. And so far, experiences in teaching these little children swimming does help. :)

And I'm praying so hard that those kids (cucu-cucu jiran) would register for this coming school holidays swimming class. I wanted SO badly to teach them! Comel comel comel!


alamak..*blushingg.u mentioned my nme in ur entry.heee.kalau nak timbul rse minat pada kanak2 silelah dftar diri anda menjadi seorang cikgu tadika seperti saya.hihi
sopiah said…
yeah handling children is hard. few days ago, when they were doing their tarawih (i was cuti hehe) i was obligated to look out for those kids and stop them from making noises and tantrums. ya Allah, jenuhnya nak melayan. That moment I thought to myself, becoming a mother and take care of children is definitely not for me. at least right NOW la kan. but i do love them. hihi
Bashtiah said…
Sarah: Hi! I enjoyed reading your entries on the kids, sebab tu mention you. ;) Nantilah, slowly pupuk interest tu. hahah..

Yong: Kan? Memang susah kan? Anyway that's a REALLY REALLY good thing you did. I'm sure the other jemaah were very thankful! :)
zoul said…
ahaha...alasan 'they're are just curious' klaka la...pasni msti diorg nak kacau lagi...:P
Bashtiah said…
pandangkedepan: Haa... Yelah, budak-budak memang curious. Semua pun nak explore.
Bashtiah said…
Hi Mira, datanglah lagi ;)
Namee Roslan said…
hahaha, comelnya u ni bashtiah. i pun tak suka kiddos. lagi2 yang mulut jahat. tapi my parent tend to say..alah biasa lah budak. what so biasa? itu tidak biasa lah sebab tu mulut sukahati je nk cakap gemuk hitam busuk ke..hahah. ish.
Bashtiah said…
Namee, eh memang tak ada orang pun suka yang mulut jahat. Kecik-kecik dah mulut jahat, tak baguslah dibiasakan tu sepatutnya...
i dulu pernah jugak tak suka all the kids sebab perangai mereka yang err agak annoying. dulu saya kecik2 sangat baik. pendiam ma..haha. tapi bila da makin besar ni rasa mcm makin suka. tapi like u la. yang behave. kalau tak, malas nak layannn.
Bashtiah said…
Izzati, sekarang ni i baru nak belajar2. Hopefully yang annoying pun i boleh handle nanti ;) Harap2 lah kan. Hahah..

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