YES To Engagement.

Few days ago my mum made one remark:
"Mak rasa Tiah tak boleh kahwin lagi lah, sebab macam budak-budak lagi."
(I don't think you're ready for marriage because you're still childish.)

And the childishness is because I love eating junk food; Super Ring, Twisties, MiMi... Tak boleh kahwin sebab suka makan jajan. Ceh. -.-"

I thought for a while then agreed with her. So I said:
"Ha'ah. Kahwin tak lah, tapi bertunang oke kut" :P
(Oh yes. But getting engaged would be okay.)

My mum went speechless for a few second, then said, "GATAL sungguh..!" She said I was being too honest and too direct. HA-HA...

If, I ever wanted to be in a relationship, I wanted it to be official. But the thought of someone else's mother slipping a ring on my finger seemed scary, though. Imagine a stranger, slipping a ring on your finger... Can you imagine? She'll be holding your hand, and then you have to hug her... (What's scary about being hugged anyway?) 

I think I'm just plain paranoid.

But an engagement is okay lah don't you think? Macam couple-couple, cuma ianya lebih rasmi...And besides, the good thing is if you broke off the engagement, you have to pay. Heh. (betul kan kalau ikut adat Melayu?) 


haah !!! btol ! suke bait last , you break you pay , hehe
Bashtiah said…
Hahahah... Betul kan? Jadi tak rugi ;)
memang ponnn...emuan kene baya double..pfftttt...xgentel sggh moment kene plok dgn mak ata sarug cincin,memng sgt pilu sayu..huahha
Bashtiah said…
haa... tulah kan. tapi eloklah jadi kena fikir banyak kali sebelum putuskan tunang.

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