
Showing posts from July, 2011

Expecting Too Much From A Hijab

Hi all. This is an issue I've always wanted to share but never had the guts to. But like a debate friend once said, 'Nothing is a sensitive issue unless you think it is' . Not so sensitive. So yeah, here goes.  Among the reasons that makes me consider donning the hijab is because I wanted to be respected as a Muslim woman. I feel that men nowadays are losing their respect for women, especially if the women dressed sexily.  I'm not the type who wear skimpy clothes. Having only one daughter, my mum would certainly kill me if she saw me in that state. But mum couldn't kept her eye on me 24/7, could she? Staying in college; away from mum, surrounded by loads and loads of people, with loads and loads of style of clothing, exposed to various fashionable outfits... And mum out of sight... I began to get the one thing that most parents are afraid of (I think):  TOO MUCH FREEDOM.  Until one point, I suddenly realized that I was changing.  I realized t...

Mother Tongue

The one thing that always held me from writing a post is the lack of English proficiency that I have. Dah tu gatal-gatal tulis blog dalam Bahasa Inggeris buat apa... Proficiency  itu apa? Let me explain. In my own understanding. Proficiency: Kebolehan, kemahiran, skil. Lack of proficiency=kurang kemahiran. Yes I do write in English but I certainly don't speak in English ALL THE TIME. Writing, I believe is just one way for me to improve my English language. Because everytime I didn't know any words, I'd have to look it up in the dictionary to avoid mixing Malay and English Language. Bahasa Rojak is soooo uncool... At formal events it makes you look unprofessional. I admit there are times when I mixed both language, though. Mixed marriage (Google) But ever since starting i-Renang, the swimming company, I began to realize that I'm having problems in Malay Language as well. Too much writing in English makes me feel awkward when I have to write in Malay. I fou...

Kalau Kita Mengajar Ikhlas

Murid-murid pun akan suka. :) My students gave me presents yesterday. Last two weeks they(the two girls are siblings) told me they wanted to give me a present. I told them it's okay, they don't have to. Though deep inside my heart I was really really REALLY happy. Hahah... By the end of the class, they came to me: Student: Cikgu, cikgu... / Teacher, teacher...  Me: Oh, nak bagi sekarang ke? / Oh, do you want to give it(the present) now? Student: Eh tak, saya nak cakap terima kasih sebab ajar saya berenang. / Eh no, I want to thank you for teaching me swimming.  *salam cium tangan* MALU GILA. -.-" The following week they didn't came to class. So I thought it's okay... The best prize a student can give their teacher is their success. So yeah, I don't really mind if there's no present. Honestly. Yesterday the siblings came. They told me they wanted to give me something at the end of the class. Heh. I didn't expect much so ...

YES To Engagement.

Few days ago my mum made one remark: "Mak rasa Tiah tak boleh kahwin lagi lah, sebab macam budak-budak lagi." (I don't think you're ready for marriage because you're still childish.) And the childishness is because I love eating junk food ; Super Ring, Twisties, MiMi... Tak boleh kahwin sebab suka makan jajan. Ceh. -.-" I thought for a while then agreed with her. So I said: "Ha'ah. Kahwin tak lah, tapi bertunang oke kut" :P (Oh yes. But getting engaged would be okay.) My mum went speechless for a few second, then said, " GATAL sungguh..!" She said I was being too honest and too direct. HA-HA... If,  I ever wanted to be in a relationship, I wanted it to be official. But the thought of someone else's mother slipping a ring on my finger seemed scary, though. Imagine a stranger, slipping a ring on your finger... Can you imagine? She'll be holding your hand, and then you have to hug her... (What's scary about b...

Bronze Medallion Test

Ini lifebuoy, bukan lifeguard. *lame joke* A blog reader asked me what exactly are the tests to get the Bronze Medallion certificate. So then, here goes. A blog post specially for that purpose. This was based on my own Bronze Medallion experience as I still haven't received the pictures of the test which was held last Saturday. Okay, let's start with training. I trained for 3 weeks, 8th to 26th June 2009. 5 times a week, 8 am to 5 pm. This was during my 4th semester break, that was why I can pulun habis-habisan for training. I trained with SMART . No, SMART doesn't stand for SMART Reader Kids (Like most of my friend thinks) ... Heh. SMART actually stands for Special Malaysia Rescue Team . They are the ones who go to those earthquake missions and things like that. Remember the Bukit Antarabangsa landslide? Yup, they helped around there too. I even saw a friend of mine on the news! *Proud* Training with those abang-abang bomba, abang-abang polis,...

Pilihan Bonda

Yesterday I accompanied my mum to her friends' daughters' engagement ceremony.  My mum's friend whispered to her, "Pilihan bonda..." and smiled.  Arranged engagement lah ni . The guy must be so good, so great that the mother herself choosed him for her daughter. I trust old *ahem* elder people opinions and choices because like the old saying, 'terlebih dulu makan garam' . They are more experienced so they knew better. I wondered who the great guy is. Because eventhough it's the mothers' choice, the daughter still agreed to get engaged with him. *          *          *          * Oh.So.Awesome. Handsome okayyyy, handsome! Okay, if that's the case, even I would agree to an arranged engagement. :D So I told mum I'll let her find someone for me but I gave her one criteria.  I wanted a handsome man.  Mum said, no . "Mak akan cari lelaki yang boleh membimbing Tiah di Du...

On Swimming And Sexyness

Baju renang muslimah , the best option for Muslim women who wanted to have fun in the water while at the same time still covering their aurat.  It was only yesterday, though, that I came to know of the name of this one type of Muslimah swimwear, which is called a  burqini (click for a detailed info) . Thanks to this one blog reader,  Adam Idris , who told me about it. Came another comment from another reader, Qarr , saying, "Still nampak bentuk badan". Such a provocative statement.  Thinking logically... It doesn't matter what you wear, when you get into the water, the clothes you're wearing would still stick to your body, thus revealing whatever your body shape is. But at least when a woman wear a burqini, she covers everything.  Tak nampak kulit badan, hanya nampak bentuk. (Okay this suddenly remind me of Namee's post on kalkulator dosa pahala )   I found these two pictures when Google-ing for burqini. Now you tell me, how a...