Bagi Betis, Nak Peha.

Okay excuse me, but the Kamal Effendi, followed my blog! Kamal who? Kamal Effendi… If you followed the famous Cik Epal’s blog, you’ll know him quite well. I tried to resist writing about this as I think it’s quite bimbo-like (being followed by a famous blogger… duh!) but somehow… I just couldn’t resist the temptation!

So sorry if you're like 'Kamal Effendi? Siapa tu? Oh alaa... Followers baru 1000+ aje pun~' because I tend to mark bloggers as famous when they have more than one thousand followers... Well comparing to my own, only 78. Heh...

Oh, so he dropped a comment as well. Suka. :)

Okay. Follow dah, komen pun dah… I visited his blog, and checked just in case he put my blog in his blog list. Tak ada la pulak~ Ehehee... Just because I put the blogs I followed in my blog list, doesn't mean that he'd do the same, right? Right. But I don't really mind, really! (jangankan lepas ni tiba-tiba je blog I dah disenaraikan pada bloglist dia ;p)

Anyway... I'm SO thankful to have followers, in which I called readers. I'm EVEN MORE thankful to those who've been listing my blog in their bloglist. If you're one of them and happen to be reading this, THANK YOU SO MUCH!


sopiah said…
fuyoh! congrates bash~ :D
Bashtiah said…
Hi Yong! Alaa... There's nothing much pun, really. Hahah...
Anonymous said…
lol :P
Bashtiah said…
Hahaha... malu pula rasanya.

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