Budak Sekolah Baru Balik Koko

I bumped into a friend a few days before the study week started...

"Eh, kenapa pakai baju sukan?"

"Oh sebab pagi tadi ada fitness test kat stadium..."

"Lah... Ko sport rec ke? Aku ingat ko masscomm" -.-"

Yes... I did went to an interview for a Diploma in Mass Communication. That was a few years back but I never studied under that faculty before. Not even once. It's such a coincidence; I have to go through interviews before I actually got accepted. Both for my diploma and degree. The only difference was I failed the diploma interview. Eheh.

Up til' now, I'm still trying to cope with being a Sports Science student. Sports Science students are oh-so-synonym with trackpants. And I hated trackpants! Trackpants for me is simply so unflattering. And added with a backpack, I looked like a school kid who just got back from the school's co-curricular activity. No offense sport rec students! But I actually do feel like that... Because I'm not that tall, and I don't really have that athletic body type, or in which we call mesomorph. I am more of an ectomorph so you see trackpants just don't flatter me... It makes me look skinnier...
Or at least I think so. That's why I opt for those aerobic pants. Yup, they're a bit more fitting but just make sure you wear a long t-shirt to cover your butt because you see, it hugs your legs tightly... And so you see... Eh malu lah nak cakap~

There was this one time where I had to go to PTAR 1 (a library) which was located around the Business Faculty... It was a fine Monday morning and they were all nicely dressed in baju kurung, heels, and a handbag to match. My friends and I on the other hand were in trackpants, t-shirt, backpacks, complete with sunburned faces. I did applied foundation, compact powder, and the like on my face but it was all washed out by sweat...

I'm not sure about them but I do felt a bit inferior...
I was like 'Gila selekeh kita ni... We don't belong here... Malu gila okay pakai seluar track...'

I always lose my self-confidence when I'm wearing trackpants. One day I challenged myself by going to SACC Mall (Okay fine... I should challenge myself by going to Pavilion or KLCC the least...) by bus, wearing trackpants and t-shirt and a backpack. I felt a bit weird... And ashamed of myself... But I keep on telling myself 'One day I'm going to own a big swimming academy and you people looking at me with those annoying faces will actually beg me to teach your kids...' Yes, that was actually my biggest motivation. It's all about SELF-MOTIVATION.

But now finally it's the end of the second semester!
I survived, yes, I survived...

Sports Science is a tough and sweaty course.
It is tough, but I do believe it is important to keep fit and healthy. And that we must have the knowledge to keep fit. I believe that with proper knowledge we can help people be fit too. I also believe that what I'm learning now in Sports Science is useful for the human population. Because I know what I'm doing is right, I'm starting to be okay with trackpants and backpacks instead of baju kurung and heels (though I tried avoiding trackpants now and then!).

Oh oh... Trackpants or no trackpants, the final examination is starting soon!
I'll just make sure I don't wear trackpants to the exam hall. Hahah...


kak long said…
ohoho~~ hye bash.. der gak nme U i dgr~~ tp xtaw Yg mner... tp now i da taw da yG mner Org yer~~ nice to knOw U bash~hehhe..... actUally memg rmai Yg ckp dak2 FSR nie.. cm dak2 sekOlah..huhu
Bashtiah said…
Hi cik kebayan! Nice to know you too :) Budak sekolah pun tak apa, janji fit.
kak long said…
ahahaha~~~ fit? huh! jeles! i dalm posess fit kn balik~~ehehe.. mklUm la.. dak sport mgmnet..mls nk trun jOg! actUally i xske jog! xske gym! ehehe

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