Felda Palong Timur

If mum found out I went to Felda Palong Timur last Friday, I'm dead meat.
If she found out I actually spend a night there, again, I AM TOTALLY DEAD! Grounded for life. No more trip, no more outing. Why? Because mum is very strict. And protective. Sangat. She wouldn't let me sleepover at just any place...

I know mum wouldn't allow me, that's the main reason I didn't ask her in the first place. I didn't lie, either. She didn't ask, so I didn't tell. Easy.

It happened so fast. It's a decision made in less than 5 minutes. The friend had to go back because her mums' having a kenduri. So the other friend decided to send her back. Her point to get me involved "Makan free, weh! Rugi..."

Yeah right. Makan free meant paying RM 10 for petrol and another RM 10 for toll. -.-"

But anyway... The accommodation is free, kan. Plus you get to eat how much you wanted too. And oh, you don't have to pay the driver. Hahah! So yeah, masih berjimat disitu.
4 pm from Shah Alam. We arrived there at 8 pm. Thus, the wise decision is to just sleepover.
Crazy, really. Because the next day I've to teach swimming at 9 am. Ohoho~

Well so, first time going to Felda Palong....
Tempat itu sangat jauh okay!

Sorry to say, but seriously, it is really really really far! It's way too far in the palm oil plantation!
Okay, imagine this.
From the main road, it actually took 30 minutes to reach her house! Like, 30 MINUTES just to get out from the palm oil plantation area! Kelapa sawit, kelapa sawit, kelapa sawit... Lembu. Kelapa sawit, kelapa sawit, kelapa sawit... Rumah. Kelapa sawit, kelapa sawit, kelapa sawit...

Thankful. Yes. I am really, totally thankful I'm living in the house that I live in right now.

All the way to her house, I kept on saying:
"Kesian gila kat kau!!! Eh serius lah, macam mana kau selama ni eh... Macam kesian gila!"

No wonder her mum wouldn't let her leave home.
I know that sounded cruel, but seriously, even going out from your neighbourhood already took half an hour...

The friend said:
"Itulah kan... Kesian gila kat aku. Rumah aku pun rumah papan je..."

Upon arriving at her house.

* * *

Penipu. Your house is really really really pretty lah! It's BIG, and pretty! And it's not made of papan, okay...
With a house like that, and a family as happening and chaotic like that, living in an isolated place like that isn't too bad, really. No McD, it's okay. No KFC, it's okay. Your mum's cooking is way way way better!


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