We are WOMEN too!

In people's mind, when mentioned about sports science students, they would imagine sweaty, rough, tough, sporty sporty people. Women in the sports industry therefore are also expected to be all masculine and tough.
JUST LIKE A MAN. Well, that's the perception of most people.

Veet, a company selling hair removal products opened up a booth around our faculty today. Our faculty is actually sandwiched between the Administrative Science and Policy Studies Faculty and the Communication and Media Studies Faculty. So you see, while we were dressed in track suits, the ladies from the other two faculties would mostly be dressed in a nice baju kurung, all smelling very nice with make-up faces and a pair of heels to match. But people people people, wearing track suits doesn't change our gender. We are still women. And as women, we still have that desire to look pretty...

While visiting the booth (basically just to get the free goodie bag) which is in front of the Communication and Media Studies Faculty...

A group of girls came. Okay, fine. They are all dressed up. Like they're about to attend a function or anything. One of them then said...

"Eh, budak sport rec pakai Veet ke??? Hahahah...!"

Eh eh eh... That's really really insulting! It doesn't mean that when women get involved in sports they would be all tough and rough all the time. It doesn't mean we became a complete man when we get involved in sports. Sometimes it's just not practical to have long hair when you're involved in sports. Take Marilou Dozois for example, she lifts weight while at the same time she still have that feminity.

In fact, I personally think women athletes are way better than those pretty faced skinny models. Why? Because they are fit, have a toned body, and they have strength. Much much better than just having a pretty face to show. Ever seen a pretty women with a fat belly? Or better still, a pretty face, slim body, but with an untoned glut, or in other words, untoned buttocks.
We're talking about a firm body here. Heh.
So yeah, mari bersukan!

Me myself am still trying to find a time to hit the gym... Ahahah..


sopiah said…
setuju with you bash! go go bash! :D
scha roslan. said…
ish meluatnya dgn perempuan yg nak mengata org macam tu
Bashtiah said…
Yong: Thank you! :D :D
Syafika: Haa.. Tau takpe! huh.
Sophie Al-Yahya said…
wah ni yg rasa nak belasah ni sapa yg cakap mcm tu.Lebih baik kuat daripada cantik yg lembik kan.

Oh no bash, esok dinner. makan..makan..makan.. bila nak jogging ni. T_T
Bashtiah said…
Sophie: Betul tu! Kuat bertenaga yang cantik. Itu perfect. ;) Xpe sophie, nanti kita jogging sama2!

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