
Showing posts from February, 2011

A students' worst nightmare

is getting 0 for an assignment. Yes, ZERO ! For all the hardwork, all the time spent, and money used to print the hard copy, zero mark is certainly the cruelest thing a lecturer could do to you. SERIOUSLY dear lecturer. That was really cruel. At least think of our effort in completing it. ZERO is like ZERO. Not ZERO as in HERO but as in kosong . Empty. Like, tak ada apa apa langsung okay... I am hereby proud to announce that I received a big, fat ZERO for my very first assignment. Half of the class did, that's why I'm not ashamed to admit it. And it was all because of this thing called, PLAGIARISM. Trust me, I checked my assignment with the Google plagiarism checker and it stated free from plagiarism! I, for one, am not they type of student who simply copy paste copy paste from texts. I used up my own words! Betul... Jujur jujur... So you can really imagine my reaction when the lecturer said, "Haa... Kamu pun kena.' *With a smile.* "Ha?! So, kosong lah? Ser...

Iya, Mak...

It's been almost 3 weeks since I last went back home. Well, itu ialah 'went back home' , if I couldn't make it, t he home itself will make it's way here . Yes, here. My mum herself would come to me. Because for me, you see, home is where mum is. Ada mak, itulah rumah. So basically mak = rumah . I called her just now to check what she's up to. My mum always had the quirkiest things to say. Seriously. "Ha, mak tengah buat apa tu?" "Ni haa, kat depan rumah Cikgu Tipah ni nak bagi belimbing dia mintak haritu... Tapi dia tak ada pulak hah." "Sangkut jelah kat pagar tu..." "Tengah panas ni nanti layu pulak... " "Dah tu macamana?" "Mak tengok kucing dia ada tengah baring kat sofa depan tu. Ingat nak bagi kat dia je." Ceh. -.-" I decided to call her later when she's not busy. Few minutes later I received a message. "Dh, mk dh tgglkan kt kucing tu.. " ...

We are WOMEN too!

In people's mind, when mentioned about sports science students, they would imagine sweaty, rough, tough, sporty sporty people. Women in the sports industry therefore are also expected to be all masculine and tough. JUST LIKE A MAN. Well, that's the perception of most people. Veet , a company selling hair removal products opened up a booth around our faculty today. Our faculty is actually sandwiched between the Administrative Science and Policy Studies Faculty and the Communication and Media Studies Faculty. S o you see, while we were dressed in track suits, the ladies from the other two faculties would mostly be dressed in a nice baju kurung, all smelling very nice with make-up faces and a pair of heels to match. But people people people, wearing track suits doesn't change our gender. We are still women. And as women, we still have that desire to look pretty... While visiting the booth (basically just to get the free goodie bag ) which is in front of the Communication and M...

The Kasehs'

Visited three orphanage today. Rumah Titian Kaseh, Lambaian Kasih, and Siraman Kasih. I got to meet Mashitah again. For the second time... Mashitah is a 10 years old girl staying in the Lambaian Kasih orphanage whom I met during my medical cover in Universiti Malaya last Saturday. She's really cute. Seriously. Really really cute. Adorable. Cute. Sweet. I made sure she remembered my name. She's really smart, too. She could read my name and pronounce it correctly. Even adults had problem pronouncing my name. They alwasy pronounced it Ba-shi-tah. Or Ba-shi-ti-ah. Ahah... Okay I know, it's not that hard, kan... But still... She's a smart girl. I met her today, at Lambaian Kasih. We're going to organize an event on March, and we're inviting Mashitah over! Yes, here! In SHAH ALAM! I got to meet her again, again, and AGAIN! 26th March, people! :D :D :D Yes, yes, I met Mashitah today at Lambaian Kasih. After settling things with the orphanage owner, we ...

Kerja Kolam!

When you're enthusiastic about something, you tend to always want to mention about it. Back from swimming, I dropped by at this shop selling yong tau fu... The scene: I was waiting for the yong tau fu being cooked. Auntie Yong Tau Fu decided to have a chat with me since there wasn't any other customers around. "Adik dah habis belajar ke dik?" (She actually meant to ask have I finished class for the day.) "Eh belum, tapi memang tak balik sebab kerja dekat kolam tu..." (Eh not yet, but I'm not going back because I worked at the pool.) "Ada kolam kat sini?" (There's a pool here?) "Ada, ada! Tu yang bumbung biru tu hah... Saya mengajar berenang jugak ni. " (Yes, yes! There, the one with the blue roof. I teach swimming too.) And well, you can guess already where the conversation heads to. One potential customer. Heh. Lucky thing the lady is also interested in swimming... Imagine if she suddenly said ...

Facebook Temptations

Stupid temptations. Think twice or you'll regret it. For example, I always laughed at all those cheesy cheesy Facebook status like: Missing him You are NOT the only one. I love you *tag name* Saya suka *tag name* Aku TAK SUKA lah *tag name* ! KO memang HINA! I certainly wouldn't allow myself to post such things because well, it is just SO not me. Like, gosh! That is so emo! Like, totally! Now as I'm going through that phase of life, where I wanted the whole world to know how sad I am, how they should really pity my bad luck, I do have that temptation to post Facebook status like *pause* Er... Er... Like, 'You are so not worth crying over! ' and 'Saya dah tak nak tengok muka awak lagi!' The thing is, sometimes we only wanted to tell that person how we feel, but ended up doing it in public because we just feel the need to gain support from all those 500+ friends. So yeah, now I understand why people post such words on Facebook. I got tempted too but it just ...