The Gorgeous Weightlifter

Women athletes have less feminity compared to non-athlete women.
Women involved in sports only dress like men.
Women involved in sports look like a man.
Woman + Sports = 100 % masculinity

That. Is. A. Stereotype.

This gorgeous lady down here is actually a weightlifter. YES. A freaking sweaty weightlifter! And she looked not even close to a man. I'm not sure how men would define woman but she does look woman enough. Matching earrings and necklace. She's woman enough for me.

Marilou Dozois-Prevost
Representing Canada, she won gold in the women's 53 kg division at the recent Commonwealth Games held in New Delhi, India. Cool aite? This is what we call 'Beauty with Strength'.

Pictures of her weightlifting during the recent Commonwealth Games.


Notice that lovely earrings?
182 kilograms.
(No, not the earrings. I meant the weight is 182 kg.)
Who says you can't be stylish while lifting such a heavy weight?

Not all women involved in sports have a harsh and manly attitude. This perception really has got to change. There's this one perception that I've heard and be told of;

"Perempuan-perempuan sukan ni kasar, hitam, muka berkarat, comot, selekeh. Pergi kelas tak ada make-up make-up, pakai cantik-cantik. Itu memang trademark perempuan sukan."

Let me tell you what I think. I think that is total crap. A total bunch of crap, I tell you. Why, in the world should we, women athletes, (Er... I meant you, athletes) dress like a slum when you actually have a hot bod to flaunt? Toned arms. Toned legs. Toned shoulders.

Yes, it is normal to be all comot-comot and sweaty during training and all those physical activities. But, other than that we really should show a little bit of appreciation to our body. Hey, you worked hard for that muscles so why not show some love?

And if people condemn you about not having that 'sportsperson' look, just say,
"Hey, even the Commonwealth gold weightlifter wore earrings during the game!"


khairul naem said…
yeah.. correct girl.. u hve a good thought.. hihi.. same goes to tennis player.. bole tgk ape.. sambil2 servis bole nampak anting2.. biase la tu.. ptot la td sibuk cari anting2.. hahahaha
Bashtiah said…
Sophie: TQ tenkiu tenkiu!
Naem: Yup, ramai jgk atlit yang jadi model pun. Lagi cantik. :)
khairul naem said…
one of them, awak la.. hihi.. the beauty life guards.. :)

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