Eye Spy

Dear footballers,
I have a confession. I watched you guys play football on the field from my window everyday. Well, not every single day. But... Er... Most of the time. And today I did it again. There are other girls who did the same as well, okay. One of my friends admits to having this sort of evening eye leisure too. It was actually enjoyable to see people running around, chasing just one ball. It's a form of entertainment. Heh. She told me to keep this a secret, though. I kept her name a secret, not the act. Basically just to prove that I’m not the only one who did this kind of embarrassing act...
See? I even took a picture of it. (Just in case I got kicked out of this college next semester.)
You guys looked just like tiny ants, really. I couldn’t even see your face clearly. I remember your jersey, though. Most of the time, there will be red ants running on the green field.
But trust me, if I had a DSLR camera, the picture would be much clearer. And that means, if you missed the goal, you might just pray hard I didn’t put it up in my blog. Teheeheee…
Okay, okay, okay… Not-so-honestly, I didn’t really mean to spy on you in the first place. My eyes needed a little bit of green atmosphere. And... According to research, seeing any green object actually relaxes the eye. So you see, I didn’t purposely spied you playing, I was just enjoying the green scenery. And well, you, football players, who are playing on the field, just so coincidentally happened to be there.
Hah! Now that you know there are actually girls (Ehem. Cute girls… Well, my friend, that is. Not me. *merendah diri*) spying on you, maybe you should just try to improve your skills just a lil’ bit more.


scha roslan. said…
motif entri nak bgtau yg u spy on them ke atau nak clear things out that u werent just spying on them, u were looking at those greens ke atau nak perli mamat2 tu yg diorang main tak bagus? so many things in one. haha
khairul naem said…
hahaha.. kelakar komen atas ni.. mcm2.. hihi.. tp xsalah pn nak tgk diorg maen bola pn.. tgk dkt2 pn.. nnti diorg lg smgat nak maen kt padang tu.. dr tgk dr bilik je.. xberape seronok.. hihi..
Bashtiah said…
Syafika... Err... (malu) Memang suka tengok. This entry was actually to acknowledge their existence as part of my life here. :)

Naem, tengok dekat2 nanti terkena bola pula kat muka. Heh.
khairul naem said…
heh?? most of them expert la.. tak kan la bole kene muke pulak,. haih.. xpela.. kire nice la tgk org dr jauh kan.. kan2??

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