Perihal face mask
Never underestimate the power of a face mask. I, for one, am not really a face mask person. Well, what I really meant was in terms of buying face masks. I don't go buy facial masks. I make my own. I always feel that buying facial masks is a waste of money because I can simply make my own. Thanks to my mum who taught me a lot of ways on making them. Egg white, tomatoes, yogurt, kunyit, milk powder... Semua tu you can get at home. Nak putih? Guna susu tepung. Nak hilangkan sunburn? Guna tomato. Nak kulit tegang? Guna putih telur. BUT. I ain't got time for that anymore darling. So there was this one time, I bought cooling eye patches and asked my husband to help put it on my eyes while I lie down to nurse Sofia. Wow it felt great! It feels great to know that I'm doing something for myself. Being a stay at home working from home mum, I always feel that ALL MY TIME is dedicated to Sofia. Until I have no more energy and no more time left for myself. So I made a...