Losing our minds
Sofia is now at that stage where she didn't want to sleep in her crib. She drinks a lot nowadays too... And she had this one habit my husband called, "Tidur sebelum kenyang..." She would fell asleep in my arms while breastfeeding and when we put her to bed, 10 minutes later she would wake up already! Before this when she do fell asleep, we were quite sure she was full. It would last her two hours at least before the next session. It was quite tiring to wake up just after 5 or 10 minutes later epecially after nearly an hour of breastfeeding. Just about to get your back straight and have to get up again. Earlier this morning, from 4.50am to after Subuh we had just that routine. Nenen, tidur kejap, bangun. Until Iz suddenly said, "Anak ni boleh buat mak dengan ayah hilang akal kan" True enough. For the last time, when Sofia finally sleep/ close her eyes, we were both like Charlie Chaplin. Cepat cepat weh kita ada 10 minit je untuk tidur! Iz hurried...