
Showing posts from April, 2013

On being your own normal self

I used to love being independent. Sometimes I like to take a longer route just so I'd have a longer time for myself... I've tried walking to class in groups before. Most of the time I'd grumble and complain. And almost swear I'd never wait for people anymore. I like to be independent. Now, I got what I want. Stuck in a place away from home. I only rent a room. I'm totally independent now. On my own. For the past 5 weeks, I really depend on a friend to drive me here and there. I have a Competent driving license but I proudly stick P on the car windows. Just now, somehow there was a misunderstanding between the friend and I. I stomped off and thought, okay you can go back on your own and I'll take home the car. CONFIDENCE. So confident I'll be able to drive the car back home. Well, the guy managed to catch up before I leave him. Either that, or I'm the one that took so long to start moving the car... All that aside, I managed to drive home.

It's about being strict

I've started doing an internship about a month ago. I'm also conducting my research here. Most of my patients are men and as a subject, they have access and are   allowed to contact me. Well, regarding only research matters, that is. One night, I received a phone call. One of my patients. A male. He asked where am I and what I'm doing at the moment. I answered with, "Itu semua tak penting. Yang penting sekarang, kenapa ye telefon?" It's about being strict and direct. No hanky panky.