viva voce -an examination conducted by spoken communication Well so we had our viva today (Tuesday) at the gym, for the subject Physical Fitness and Wellness . For a moment I hate the fact that my name starts with B . I was the fourth person in line. We were divided into groups of 5. First Active warm up on treadmill All 5 of us on the treadmill at.the.same.time. Seriously, ALL FIVE at the same time. I actually have to voice out REAL loud in order to be heard. And it doesn't help either that the person next to you is doing lunges while you yourself are planning to start with a simple leg curl... Second Functional exercise Pectoralis major Calf Pectoralis major + calf muscle Now, create a functional exercise involving these two muscles. I was really nervous I couldn't think straight. I actually brought the tester for a walk first, from the weight training section (Okay, here Sir) to the middle of the gym (Ha, it's better to ...